Preparing for Your Treatment
Anti-Wrinkle Injections (botulinum Toxin)
No specific preparation required for this treatment.
*Please avoid applying makeup to the area to be treated
Avoid excess exercise for 24-48hrs
Don't apply makeup or other creams for 2-3 hours.
Avoid rubbing the area for 24-48hrs.
Avoid/minimise any alcohol consumption.
NOTIFY the proceduralist if facial droop or undesired palsy occurs PROMPTLY.
Dermal Filler Injections
Please avoid applying makeup to the area to be treated
Apply topical anaesthetic (i.e. "Numit" cream or similar) to the area to be treated at least 30mins prior.
Notify the proceduralist if the area has acne, infection, rash or other issue that poses an infection risk.
Avoid excess exercise for 24-48hrs
Don't apply makeup or other creams for 2-3 hours.
Avoid rubbing the area.
Icing the area for 10-15mins may help swelling and bruising.
Avoid/minimise any alcohol consumption.
Hydrate well ~1.5-2L minimum
Avoid sleeping on the treated side i.e. may need to sleep on your back
NOTIFY the proceduralist if infection, severe pain, rash, discolouration or other undesired outcome occurs PROMPTLY.
Lipolysis Injections (Fat Dissolving)
Please avoid applying makeup to the area to be treated
Apply topical anaesthetic (i.e. "Numit" cream or similar) to the area to be treated at least 30mins prior - BE LIBERAL with the cream.
Notify the proceduralist if the area has acne, infection, rash or other issue that poses an infection risk.
Exercise regularly as this will enhance the treatment effect.
Don't apply makeup or other creams for 2-3 hours.
You may massage the area gently if needed, NOT rigorously.
Icing the area for 10-15mins may help swelling and bruising.
Avoid/minimise any alcohol consumption.
Hydrate well ~1.5-2L minimum
NOTIFY the proceduralist if infection, severe pain, rash, discolouration or other undesired outcome occurs PROMPTLY. You will get some swelling and bruising - this is normal and expected.
PDO Threads (Lifting and Rejuvenation)
Please avoid applying makeup to the area to be treated
Apply topical anaesthetic (i.e. "Numit" cream or similar) for "rejuvenation" (non-lifting) thread treatments in the area to be treated at least 30mins prior.
No need to apply topical anaesthetic for "Lifting" thread treatments as local anaesthetic injections will be used.
Notify the proceduralist if the area has acne, infection, rash or other issue that poses an infection risk.
Avoid excess exercise for 24-48hrs
Don't apply makeup or other creams for 2-3 hours.
Avoid rubbing the area; ideally minimise dramatic facial muscle movements for 2 weeks.
Icing the area for 10-15mins may help swelling and bruising.
Avoid/minimise any alcohol consumption.
Hydrate well ~1.5-2L minimum
Avoid sleeping on the treated side i.e. may need to sleep on your back for ~2 weeks.
NOTIFY the proceduralist if infection, severe pain, rash, discolouration or other undesired outcome occurs PROMPTLY.